Transfer Stored Grades (Direct Enrollment Only)
To associate the historic grade records generated at a summer school with the originating school, use Direct Database Access to modify the SchoolID field of the StoredGrades table records to reflect the student's originating school.
WARNING: Changes made through Direct Database Access (DDA) are permanent and irreversible. Always backup PowerSchool data prior to DDA modification.
Sign in to the summer school.
- In your browser, enter the URL for DDA (Direct Database Access)
- From the Current Table menu, select Stored Grades.
- From the first Search StoredGrades menu, select SchoolID.
- From the comparator menu, select =.
- In the field for this row, enter the school ID for your summer school.
Select Search only in records belonging to [school name].
- Click Search all XXX records in this table.
- Write down the value for Current Records in Selection.
- Click Modify Records.
- From the menu, select SchoolID.
- Enter the school ID for the school to which the records will be moved (the students' originating school).
- Click Modify Selected Record.
- On the DDA page, click Modify Records.
- From the menu, select SchoolName.
- Enter the name of the school to which the records will be moved (the students' originating school).
Note: The value here needs to match the school name exactly to ensure that grades display correctly on student transcripts. - Click Modify Selected Records.
The records are now associated with the students' originating school. Repeat this process for each summer school.