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Student Pages

On this page:

Student Page Layout

Each student page looks different, but the top of each displays the name of the page, student's name, Find Me icon, Counselors, grade level, ID number, and school name. In the student pages menu to the left side of the page, all of the items listed are possible actions performed or items viewed on a student's record. This is where you will start the activities described in this section.

Find Me 

Using the Find Me icon, you can quickly find the student based on the current time, the current day’s bell schedule, and the student’s schedule. 


Using the Counselors icon, you can identify which counselors are assigned to this student. If there are no counselors assigned, you can assign a counselor for an individual student from Modify Info. To assign counselors to multiple students, you can use the import/ export or Mass Assign Counselors.

Quick Lookup Page

The Quick Lookup page displays commonly used information, such as the student's schedule, teachers, current grades, and attendance record.

If the student is enrolled in more than one school, additional Quick Lookup tabs appear. Each of the tabs includes the school abbreviation. When viewing the Quick Lookup page from the context of the student's home school, the first tab reflects the student's home school. The subsequent tabs are for the remote schools. When viewing the Quick Lookup page from the context of one of the student's remote schools, the first tab is for the student's remote school. The subsequent tabs are for the home school and other remote schools.

Note: If a room has been defined for a section, the room number appears next to the teacher's name.

View the Quick Lookup Page

  1. On the start page, search for and select a student
  2. Click Quick Lookup
  3. Use the following table to view information in the Attendance By Class section:




    The expression indicates the period and day combination of the course.

    Last Week

    • Blank indicates class meets that day and the student is present.
    • A dot indicates class does not meet that day.
    • An A indicates class meets that day and the student was absent.
    • Shaded indicates school is not in session and/or the student is not enrolled on that date.

    Note: Other information may not appear unless school is in session and/or the student is currently enrolled.

    This Week

    • Blank indicates class meets that day and the student is present.
    • A dot indicates class does not meet that day.
    • An A indicates class meets that day and the student was absent.
    • Shaded indicates school is not in session and/or the student is not enrolled on that date.

    Note: Other information may not appear unless school is in session and/or the student is currently enrolled.


    • The name of the course.
    • The teacher teaching the course.
    • The room number where the course is taught.
    • Click a teacher's name to send that teacher an email message.
    • Click the Section Teachers icon next to the teacher’s name to view the teachers assigned to the class. The Section Teachers pop-up appears. When done viewing, click the x to close the Section Teachers pop-up.

    Note: This icon appears only if there is more than one teacher assigned to the class.


    • The reporting term.
    • Blank indicates no PGFinalGrades record exist for the student/class/termbin.
    • Two dashes indicate a PGFinalGrades record exists for the student/class/termbin, but the "Grade" is blank.
    • To view the assignments and their scores that comprise the final grades for a term, click the score in the appropriate term column. For more information, see View Student Assignment Scores.

    Note: Additional information, such as overall grade, percentage, and citizenship, may appear based on school settings.


    • The number of absences per reporting term.
    • Lower-case attendance codes indicate that the teacher took attendance.
    • Upper-case attendance codes indicate that an attendance clerk or office staff member took attendance.
    • Click any absences to display details on the Dates of Attendance page.


    The number of tardies per reporting term.

    Attendance Totals

    • The total number of absences and tardies for each term.
    • The attendance totals can be used for reports.
    • The total number of tardies for each term.

    Current Weighted GPA

    The student's current weighted GPA.

    Note: Only appears for the student's home school.

  4. If your school uses Daily attendance, use the following table to view information in the Attendance By Day section:



    Last Week

    • Blank indicates class meets that day and the student is present.
    • A dot indicates class does not meet that day.
    • An A indicates class meets that day and the student was absent.

    This Week

    • Blank indicates class meets that day and the student is present.
    • A dot indicates class does not meet that day.
    • An A indicates class meets that day and the student was absent.


    • The number of absences per reporting term.
    • Click any absences to display details on the Dates of Attendance page.


    The number of tardies per reporting term.

    Attendance Totals

    The total number of absences and tardies for each term.

  5. Click Show dropped classes also to view records for dropped classes. 
  6. Click the Standards Grades tab to view standards grades for the selected student. For more information, see Standards Grades Classic View Page.

View Student Assignment Scores

  1. On the start page, search for and select a student. The student pages menu displays the selected default view
  2. Click Quick Lookup. The Quick Lookup page appears. Click on the score listed to view the Scores page.
    Note: You can also access the Scores page from the Term Grades page and the All Enrollments page.
  3. On the Scores page, view the assignments and the selected student's scores for that class.
    Note: Assignments created in PowerTeacher Pro are noted on the Scores page. See the legend at the bottom of the page to understand the icons that appear on the page.
    • Click View to see assignment details.
    • Click on the standards icon to view the scores for the standards associated to the assignment.

Print A Report

Click the Print A Report link on the Student page menu to display the Print A Report page to print a report for the selected student. This is the same page that appears when you click Functions > Print Reports For This Student. For more information, see Run a Report for a Single Student.

Switch Student

Click the Switch Student link on the Student page menu to display a search dialog to look for other student records. Enter the name or partial name of the student and click OK. If the name matches more than one student, the Student Selection page appears. For more information, see Student Search

Student Record Navigation

  • Previous Record arrow: When viewing the student pages menu from a selection of students, click the Previous Record arrow to display the student record preceding the selected record. When you reach the first student on the list of selected students, the last student on the list appears.
  • List: When viewing the student pages menu from a selection of students, click List to display the Student Selection page. For more information, see Student Search.
  • Next Record arrow: When viewing the student pages menu from a selection of students, click the Next Record arrow to display the student record following the selected record. When you reach the last student on the list of selected students, the first student on the list appears.

The remaining items in the student pages menu indicate the possible actions to be performed on the selected record. If a student has transferred out, graduated, is preregistered, or imported into PowerSchool as an historical record, that student's status appears on each student page. The student status is based on the contents of the Enrollment Status field.

Note: The student pages for an active student do not display the student's status indicator.


Several student pages provide alert functions. Use alerts to create and maintain sensitive information for each student. If a student's record contains an alert, an alert icon appears at the top of each of his or her student pages. Alert details are available to all users by clicking the alert icon on any student page.


Click to view Birthday Alert pop-up. This alert appears if a student's birthday is within a week of the current date.

Click to view Discipline Alert pop-up, which displays any active discipline-related information that staff need to be made aware of

Click to view Other Alert Alert pop-up, which displays any active general information that staff need to be made aware of.

Click to view the Parent Alert pop-up, which displays any active guardian-related information that staff need to be made aware of.

Click to view Medical Alert pop-up, which displays any active medical-related information that staff need to be made aware of.

Note: If enhanced health is enabled, once the student has at least one active health concern set to Show in Alert, legacy active medical alerts display along with the active health concern. Additionally, active health plans associated to the student will also display.

To read and/or acknowledge a health plan:

  1. Click View Plans. The Health Plans page for the student appears.
  2. Click the name of the health plan. The View Acknowledge Health Plan drawer opens.
  3. Once you have read through and understand the health plan, select the I acknowledge that I have read and understand this health plan checkbox.
  4. Click Acknowledge.

Note: The health plan continues to display in the alert even after you have read and acknowledged it. The status of the plan in the alert reflects whether it requires acknowledgment. If a health plan is updated, the status of the plan in the alert will indicate the need to re-acknowledge.

Student Standards Grades Classic View Page

The Standards Grades Classic View page displays the student's standards grades and comments. By default, only classes currently in progress appear.

View the Standards Grades Classic View Page

  1. On the start page, search for and select a student. The student pages menu displays the selected default view
  2. Click Quick Lookup
  3. Click the Standards Grades tab. The Standards Grades Classic View page appears. On this page, you can perform any of the following tasks:
    • Click Show Completed Classes to view standards grades for completed classes.
    • Click Hide Completed Classes to view only the classes for the current term.
    • If a score appears as a link, click to view score comments.
    • Click the name of the standard to view the following details:
      • Teacher
      • Course
      • Standard Name
      • Gradescale
      • Gradescale Description
      • Gradescale Details

If the student is enrolled in any special programs, the Attendance By Program section of the page displays attendance for any special programs in which the student is enrolled. The special programs must be set to appear on the Quick Lookup page

Student Page Views

Most of the pages you work with are the same for all of the schools that use PowerSchool; however, some pages can be modified to meet your school's individual needs. This function is noted in the appropriate sections. If a section does not indicate that a page can be customized for your school, it is a PowerSchool preconfigured page that cannot be modified.

Note: When reading descriptions of the modifiable pages, keep in mind that either the page itself can be modified by your PowerSchool administrator or the data in the fields on the page can be modified by the PowerSchool user. For example, a page might provide fields for only a student's name and phone number. As the user, you can modify the data in those fields if the information is wrong or has changed. However, if you want the page to provide a student's address in addition to a name and phone number, your PowerSchool administrator must modify the page to add the address field.

Each student page view section assumes that you have selected an individual student record. For more information, see Student Search.

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