Search by Ethnicity and Race Fields
To search for students or staff based on ethnicity or race; use any of the following fields in combination with a valid operator (is (=), is not (#), in, not in). Search results will vary depending on the expression you enter.
Field | Description |
Ethnicity | Use to search for students or staff based on ethnicity, using the scheduling/reporting ethnicity code. |
FedEthnicity | Use to search for students or staff based on ethnicity, using the federal ethnicity code indicated by students or staff answering, "Are you Hispanic or Latino?" 1 = Yes, 0 = No, and 2 = Declined to answer. |
FedRaceDecline | Use to search for students or staff based on race, using the federal race code indicated by students or staff indicating one or more races specified (0) of declining to specify race (1). |
Race | Use to search for students or staff based on race, using the district race code description. |
RaceCode | Use to search for students or staff based on race, using the federal race code. |
Race.Fed | Use to search for students or staff based on federal race, using the federal category description. |
Race.FedCode | Use to search for students or staff based on federal race, using the federal category code. |
Search for Students by Ethnicity and Race Fields
Note: For more information about searching for students, see Student Search.
- On the start page, choose Student Search under People in the main menu.
- Click View Field List.
- To narrow the list of fields, enter one of more search terms in the Filter field. Otherwise, leave blank.
- Click the ethnicity or race field you want to add.
- Enter a field operator and value after the field in the Search Student field.
Note: For more information about comparators, see Comparators. - Click the Search icon.
Search for Staff by Ethnicity and Race Fields
Note: For more information about searching for staff, see Staff Search.
- On the start page, choose Staff Search under People in the main menu.
- Click View Field List.
- To narrow the list of fields, enter one of more search terms in the Filter field. Otherwise, leave blank.
- Click the ethnicity or race field you want to add. The Field List pop-up closes, and the selected field appears in the Search Staff field.
- Enter a field operator and value after the field in the Search Staff field.
Note: For more information about comparators, see Comparators. - Click the Search icon.