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Prepare to Build the Master Schedule Reports

On this page:

Several reports are specific to the first part of the master schedule process, prepare to build the master schedule, and relate to courses, student course requests, rooms, students, and teachers. Other reports include request-related reports and teacher-related reports. Use the Scheduling Reports page to navigate to each report.

Run the Conflict Matrix Export Report

The Conflict Matrix Export report displays student course request conflicts between courses. For example, you might find that 16 students have requested both AP Calculus and Anatomy/Physiology. Therefore, you would try not to schedule these two classes during the same period.

Note: This report is used primarily by schools and districts that are not building their master schedule in PowerSchool.

  1. On the start page, choose PowerScheduler under Applications in the main menu.
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports from the PowerScheduler menu.
  3. Click Conflict Matrix Export
  4. Enter information in the fields.
    Additional Field Details: 



    Students to Include

    The number of students included in the schedule for next year. If a student or group of students have been selected, choose to run the report for only that student selection or for all students.

    In the Include Only In Grades field, enter the numbers of the grade levels you want to include in this report (optional).

    Output Form

    Select Browser to open the results in a new browser tab, Tab-Delimited to open the report in a program such as Excel or HTML File to download the results.

    Select the Link each count to the conflicting students list checkbox to display a link to the list of students who have scheduling conflicts.

    Conflict Definition

    Select Count students with multiple requests for a course as a single conflict to identify multiple requests of the same course as one conflict. With the checkbox selected, the number of student requests matches the number of conflicts. For example, if a student creates two requests for History and one for Math, the report displays this as one History-Math conflict instead of two. Deselect the checkbox to display multiple requests as multiple conflicts.

    Select Count every request as a conflict with itself to count multiple requests for a course plus the individual requests that create the conflict. This may be useful to show conflicts where a student requests a course twice. Deselect the checkbox to only count multiple requests and not the individual requests that create the conflict.

    Identify Course By

    Select the Course numbers option to include course numbers, the Course names option to include course names, or Course numbers + names to include both.

    Report Output Locale

    Select the locale from the pop-up menu. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale. Clicking on hyperlinks within the report may display a different page in PowerSchool, which will appear in your preferred language and not in the locale you selected for the report output.

  5. In the Courses Across Top section, enter information in the fields to display information on the X-axis of the report.
    Additional Field Details:



    Include Courses

    Select one of the following options:

    • All Courses to include all courses in your active course catalog in this report. If you select All Courses, you do not have to select the checkboxes next to each course name at the bottom of the page.
    • In Department to include all courses in a specific department. Either enter the name of the department or click Associate to select the department.
    • With Number of Sections between to include courses with a specified number of sections. Enter the range of section numbers in the fields.
    • Selected courses (below) to include just the courses you select at the bottom of the page.

    Select the Include courses with No Requests from selected students checkbox to include courses that do not have any student requests. This may be useful when comparing multiple exports, as the reports will align if the checkbox is selected for both.

  6. In the Courses Along Side section, enter information in the fields to display information on the Y-axis of the report.

  7. If you chose Selected Courses (below) for either axis, select the checkbox next to the name of each course you want to include in this report.
  8. Click Submit.

Run the Conflicting Students List Report

The Conflicting Students List Report displays the students with primary requests for two specific courses. For example, run this report to determine if any students requested both Pre-Algebra and Algebra courses that should not be taken simultaneously, or if any students requested two courses that take place only on the same day and period. If you identify conflicts, you could move the assignments, sections, or requests before loading student schedules.

  1. On the start page, choose PowerScheduler under Applications in the main menu. 
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports from the PowerScheduler menu.
  3. Click Conflicting Students List
  4. Select courses and the locale for the report output.

  5. Click Submit.

Run the Course List Report

The Course List report displays scheduling information for each course in your active course catalog.

  1. On the start page, choose PowerScheduler under Applications in the main menu. 
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports from the PowerScheduler menu. 
  3. Click Course List
  4. Select the Report Output Locale from the pop-up menu. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale.
  5. Click Submit.

Filter (Advanced) the Course List Report

  1. To narrow the list of courses using advanced search, enter information in the Filter section:




    Select the checkbox.


    Choose the column by which you want to filter courses.


    If you selected a column where a comparator is applicable, choose the appropriate comparator:

    • = equals
    • < is less than
    • > is greater than


    Enter search criteria in the search field.

  2. Click Apply.

Run the Course Relationships Report

The Course Relationships report displays any course relationships defined for courses in your course catalog.

  1. On the start page, choose PowerScheduler under Applications in the main menu. 
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports from the PowerScheduler menu.
  3. Click Course Relationships
  4. Select the Report Output Locale from the pop-up menu. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale.
  5. Click Submit.
    Additional Field Details:




    The type of relationship that has been defined for these two courses:

    • Block: Courses that must be related to one another in the schedule. For example, you may want Pottery to be scheduled before or after Ceramics so that they can share a hot kiln. Alternatively, a medieval literature class may follow a medieval history class.
    • Concurrent: Courses that can meet at the same time, in the same place, and be taught by the same teacher. For example, a special education teacher might have a class of ten students, three of whom are taking remedial reading and the remainder of whom study remedial vocabulary and spelling.
    • Coreq: Two courses that are scheduled during the same term of a student's schedule.
    • Postreq: A course that must be in a student's schedule in a term after the related course.
    • Prereq: A course that must be in a student's schedule in a term before the related course. For example, Course A is a prerequisite of Course B. When the system schedules a student for these courses, it ensures that Course A is scheduled into a term before when Course B is in the student's schedule.


    If the two courses share a block relationship type, this field describes the type of block relationship, such as Term or Simultaneous.

Run the Room List Report

The Room List report provides scheduling information for all of the rooms available in the school.

  1. On the start page, choose PowerScheduler under Applications in the main menu. 
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports from the PowerScheduler menu. 
  3. Click Room List.
  4. Select the Report Output Locale from the pop-up menu. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale.
  5. Click Submit.

Run the Student List Report

The Student List report provides scheduling preference information for all of the students who will attend your school next year.

  1. On the start page, choose PowerScheduler under Applications in the main menu. 
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports from the PowerScheduler menu. 
  3. Click Student List.
  4. Enter information in the fields.
    Additional Field Details:



    Students to Include

    The number of students included in the schedule for next year. If a student or group of students have been selected, choose to run the report for only that student selection or for all students.

    In the Include Only In Grades field, enter the numbers of the grade levels you want to include in this report (optional).

    Report Output Locale

    Select the locale from the pop-up menu. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale.

  5. Click Submit.

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