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Ecollect Forms/Enrollment Express

PowerSchool Ecollect Forms/Enrollment Express version is available as of 2/22/2022.

New Features

Product AreaDescription
Admin – Form Tabs ConfigurationAdmins can now configure the order in which form tabs appear in the internal and Parent portal by assigning an order sequence to All Forms, General Forms, Class Forms, Enrollment Forms (only for Enrollment Express users), and Support Plan tabs.

Parent – Pre-Registration Submission Confirmation Email

When parents submit a pre-registration form, they now receive a confirmation email within five minutes of submission.

  • The SIS pre-registration form has a new property called Parent/Guardian Email. The admin is required to select a valid email element on the form for this property. The email address that is entered into this element by the parent is used to send out Submission, Approval, and Rejection emails.
  • The new property and email element are automatically added to pre-registration forms that were published prior to this release. When no email element or multiple email elements exist on the pre-registration form, the admin must set the property manually within the form configuration for the submission confirmation emails to be sent.
  • When the admin approves or rejects a submission, they are alerted when no email element is defined or when an invalid email is associated with the Parent/Guardian Email property.

Since the pre-registration form is accessible to the public, the form owner is notified of potential suspicious form submissions when more than 100 responses are received within a 5-minute period. Admins must ensure that the pre-registration form owners have email IDs in the SIS for the security alert to work as expected.


Product AreaDescription

Admin – Privacy and Terms Links on Enrollment Portal

District admins can now access PowerSchool’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use from the District Configuration page after logging in.

Admin – Support for State Extensions

Admins can now choose State Extensions (S_$tablename) when configuring Collection Table or Enhanced Collection Table elements.

Parent – Event Calendar

Parents and responders can now change providers for a time slot selected in the Event Calendar without having to drop the event first and then register for the same time slot with a different provider. 

Parent – Event Calendar

Responders can now drop from an event and re-register for the event by the same provider without a warning that the event is at or exceeding capacity. 

Parent – Privacy and Terms Links on Pre-Registration Forms

Parents can now access PowerSchool’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use on public SIS pre-registration forms.

Resolved Issues

Product AreaDescriptionReference

Admin – Bulk Approve Responses

Admins were unable to approve more than 20 responses at once. This issue was resolved.


Admin – Cloud Enrollment Admin Login

When Enrollment admins logged in to, they were redirected to an unused Family page. This issue was resolved.


Admin – Enrollment Duplicate Check

Re-enrollment of inactive records created duplicate records. This issue was resolved.


Admin – Filter Response Report by Date Range

Admins were unable to filter response reports accurately based on date range. This issue was resolved.


Admin – Pre-Registration Notifications

Admins were not receiving pre-registration notifications in some cases. This issue was resolved.


Admin – Privacy and Terms Links on Enrollment Portal

The links to PowerSchool’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use on the Enrollment portal login page were incorrect. This issue was resolved.


Admin – SIS Document Attachment

When a SIS document attachment had brackets in the file name, the upload failed and caused data loss on the form response. This issue was resolved.


Admin – Word Wrapping for Element Title

Word wrapping for cloud document attachment titles was not working as expected. This issue was resolved.


Parent/Admin – Gear Icon on Form List Page

The Gear icon was missing on the Forms List page in both the Admin and Parent portals. This issue was resolved.


Parent – Event Calendar

Blocked events were not visible in the Event Calendar on the Parent portal. This issue was resolved.


Admin – SIS Pre-Registration Email Field

When the admin edited the default Email element title, the Required attribute was lost and the element behaved like a regular Single-Line Text element that can be mapped to SIS fields. This issue was resolved.


Parent – Submit Event Calendar

When an event calendar was marked required, parents were unable to submit the form. This issue was resolved. Now, when an event calendar is marked as required, parents can submit the form when registered for an event or their registration is pending.


Parent – Text Input for Other Option on Pre-Registration Forms

When parents selected the Other option from a pre-registration form drop-down and entered the custom value in the text input field, spaces between words were intermittently removed. This issue was resolved.


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