Access Schoolnet
On this page:
Once Schoolnet is configured, the Schoolnet link appears in the PowerSchool SIS Admin portal, the PowerSchool SIS Student and Parent portal, and the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal. Using the link, users can launch Schoolnet from within PowerSchool while keeping their PowerSchool session active allowing them to work in both applications simultaneously. Additionally, if SAML inline authentication settings have been configured, users may sign directly into Schoolnet without using the SSO link within PowerSchool.
Launch Schoolnet in the PowerSchool SIS Admin Portal
Note: The Schoolnet link only appears if Schoolnet is enabled at the system level, at least one Schoolnet role has been assigned to you, and you are currently enrolled in at least one section.
Note: If you are a user who has access to multiple districts, you will only see information in Schoolnet for the district you are currently signed into in PowerSchool. To view information for a different district, log out of Schoolnet, sign out of PowerSchool, and then sign back into PowerSchool for that district.
- Sign in to the PowerSchool SIS Admin portal.
- On the start page, choose Schoolnet under Applications in the main menu.
Launch Schoolnet in the PowerSchool SIS Student and Parent Portal
Note: The Schoolnet link only appears if Schoolnet is enabled at the system, district, and school level, and you are signed in as a student.
- Sign in to the PowerSchool SIS Student and Parent portal.
- On the start page, click Schoolnet in the navigation menu.
Launch Schoolnet in the PowerSchool SIS Teacher Portal
Note: The Schoolnet link only appears if Schoolnet is enabled at the system level and at least one Schoolnet role has been assigned to you.
- Sign in to the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal.
- On the start page, click Schoolnet in the navigation menu.
Launch Schoolnet in PowerTeacher Gradebook
Note: The Schoolnet link only appears if Schoolnet is enabled at the system level and at least one Schoolnet role has been assigned to you.
- Sign in to the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal.
- Click Gradebook.
- Click Launch Gradebook.
- Click Trust.
- From the gradebook menu bar, choose Tools > Schoolnet.
Sign In to Schoolnet as an Administrator
- Open your Web browser to your school's Schoolnet URL.
- Select your district from the pop-up menu.
- Click Continue.
- Click Sign in as an Administrator.
Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
Select Language
Choose the language in which you want to view PowerSchool from the pop-up menu.
Note: If no more than one locale is configured, the pop-up menu does not appear.Username
Enter your username.
Enter your password. The characters display as asterisks ( * ) to ensure greater security when you sign in.
- Click Sign In.
Sign In to Schoolnet as a Student
- Open your Web browser to your school's Schoolnet URL.
- Select your district from the pop-up menu.
- Click Continue.
- Click Sign in as a Student.
Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
Select Language
Choose the language in which you want to view the PowerSchool Student and Parent Portal from the pop-up menu.
Note: If no more than one locale is configured, the pop-up menu does not appear.
Enter your username.
Enter your password. The characters appear as asterisks ( * ) to ensure greater security when you sign in.
- Click Sign In.
Sign In to Schoolnet as a Teacher
- Open your Web browser to your school's Schoolnet URL.
- Select your district from the pop-up menu.
- Click Continue.
- Click Sign in as a Teacher.
Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
Select Language
Choose the language in which you want to view the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal from the pop-up menu.
Note: If no more than one locale is configured, the pop-up menu does not appear.
Enter your username.
Enter your password. The characters appear as asterisks ( * ) to ensure greater security when you sign in.
- Click Sign In.