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Class Descriptions

Class descriptions and other added class information will display in the PowerSchool Student and Parent Portals, and PowerSchool Mobile. Examples of additional information that may display include the grading policy, class syllabus, or links to class resources.

A lock displayed next to the class name indicates that all reporting terms for the class are locked. You cannot update the class description or custom class name.

  1. From the Class Selector, choose the scheduling term and class, or group.
  2. Select the term in which the class meets if it is different from the current term.
  3. From the main navigation menu, choose Settings, then Class Descriptions.
  4. Enter the class description, syllabus, or other details in the Description field. You can also copy content from a Microsoft Word document and paste it into this field.
  5. Click the arrow next to another class name to open the details pane and add a description.
  6. Click Save.

Custom Class Name

Customize class names to better identify courses. For example, if you have multiple Biology classes with the same course name, you can customize the names to differentiate between courses.

Use the Custom Class Name field to enter a unique class name that will display only in your PowerTeacher Pro gradebook. Custom names are not available to co-teachers, students, or parents.

You can choose to include the custom class name in your PowerTeacher Pro reports. Check Use Custom Class Name when you select the report criteria to display the custom class name on the report.

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